To report issues or contact support directly, please send an email to [email protected]. The forum is available for general support inquiries.
19/5 Support: Hours of coverage include 9am to 5pm for the Central European Standard Time Timezone Monday through Friday.
2Initial response times: Full descriptions of severity levels are as follows:
- Critical: Service is down or major malfunction affecting business and high number of staff. No known workaround is available
- High: Serious degradation of service performance of functionality. Acceptable processing alternatives or workarounds exist which yield the desired result.
- Major: Application issue that has a moderate impact to the business. Acceptable processing alternatives or workarounds exist which yield the desired result.
- Minor: Issue or question with limited business impact. Appropriate processing results can be obtained by working around the fault.
3Custom Online/video training is available for an additional fee. Contact [email protected] for more information.
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