The chart example entitled ‘GDP February 2020 (100 Source: Oxford Economics/ONS)’ illustrates the latest Gross Domestic Product (GDP) data for the month of February 2020. The line chart displays a single line which shows how much economic output was produced within the United Kingdom during this period. The line begins at the start of February and ends at the end of November.
The data presented in this chart is sourced from Oxford Economics and ONS (Office for National Statistics), two independent organisations who provide economic analysis and insight into key happenings within the UK economy. This dataset has been used to provide an accurate picture of how well or badly different sectors have been performing in terms of their economic output during February – May 2020; thus suggesting how well or badly the UK economy is doing overall at this time.
Overall then, this chart demonstrates a general modest increase in UK GDP over the course of one month; an indication that suggests stability and security within an otherwise uncertain environment seeking to recover from Brexit and current pandemic related lockdowns.