Tag: best practice

Visualizing health data: Past, present, future

Let’s start with a few key statistics. Healthcare takes more than 10% of the GDP of most developed countries. In fact, in 2020, 21% of the US GDP was spent on healthcare. That is more than any other US program. Healthcare amounted to 12.8% of the GDP in the UK and 11.3% of the GDP in Norway.

Favorite ice cream

Lies, damned lies, and visualizations

Graphs can be a wonderful tool to make data clear, engaging, and accessible to your audience. However, picking the right data visualization to communicate your story can be hard.


Are interactive graphs here to stay?

This is a guest blog post by Rebeca Pop, founder of Vizlogue, a Data Visualization and Storytelling Lab that offers workshops and consulting services. You

How effective is my data visualization? Well, It depends…

Pick the right color, make thoughtful chart choices, consider color-blindness, avoid clutter – you dive deep into each of these topics, master them, and, done! You are ready to start creating informative and effective data visualizations.