Data visualization

Building a Data Viz Style Guide

This is a featured blog post by Amy Cesal, Product Evangelist at everviz. A three-time winner of the Information is Beautiful awards, Amy is an

Mining for stories

Data expert Diana Guerrero offers tips and tricks on how to mine data sets for insights and outliers.

Low vision and visualizations with everviz

Low vision and visualizations with everviz

In this post we’ll take a closer look at low vision and how it relates to visualizations with everviz.
“Low vision” refers to visual impairments other than blindness. Other terms, like “partially sighted” and “sight impaired,” have different meanings depending on the context.

How effective is my data visualization? Well, It depends…

Pick the right color, make thoughtful chart choices, consider color-blindness, avoid clutter – you dive deep into each of these topics, master them, and, done! You are ready to start creating informative and effective data visualizations.

Mapping the world of ice cream

Jessica, our contributer from Cape Town, South Africa, has been playing around with the map features of everviz. Read her entertaining ice cream adventure! People

Bar Chart

Create interactive Bar chart

Bar charts are one of the most commonly used visualization types because they are simple to create and easy to understand.
In this article you will learn how to create a Bar chart in everviz and some good practices.

Illustration of a Pie chart

Create interactive Pie chart

Pie charts have been under assault, probably as long as they have existed. Even though, they remain as a very commonly seen chart type. In